Sunday 15 February 2009

How to Buy the correct sunglasses

Buying Sunglasses is a lifestyle choice, we each have different face shapes and requirements. Below is a basic guide to buying the correct pair:

There are three types of sunglasses:

Cosmetic sunglasses: these do not give significant protection against the sun and are worn as fashion accessories. The lenses allow upto 100% of the suns galer to pass through the filter to your eyes.

General purpose sunglasses: for reducing glare in bright light or in circumstances such as driving in daylight. Typically (No.3 filter) allowing between 8-18% of the sun's glare to pass through the lens to your eyes.

Special purpose sunglasses: for activities such as mountaineering or for people abnormally sensitive to glare. This level of glare protection allows between 3-8% of light to pass through the lens to your eyes - this is not suitable to day-to-day activities such as driving.

Sunglasses give comfort in very bright conditions by reducing the total amount of light reaching the eye and, in particular, protect the eye from the damaging ultra-violet (UV) part of the spectrum. There are two types of UV - UVB and UVA.

UVB is radiation within a wavelength of 280nm to 315nm (nm = nanometre, which is one millionth of a millimetre!) This radiation is substantially absorbed at the surface of the cornea but can reach the retina. Excessive exposure can cause permanent damage to the cornea and conjunctiva, but this may not progress if further exposure is avoided. UVA (315nm - 380nm) radiation penetrates more deeply and can cause damage to the crystalline lens and retina.

Permanent effects such as cataract development are seen as accelerations of the ageing process.

Which to Choose?

Always look for British Standard BSEN 1836:1997. This British Standard sets performance levels for quality, strength, stability, design and manufacture as well as the amount of UV they let through. Purchasing sunglasses that don't conform to this standard is not advised.

Note: ALL Sunglasses sold on the Star Sunglasses website conform to British Standard BSEN 1836:1977 or higher!

Non UV absorbing lenses can do more harm than not wearing anything at all. Behind a tinted lens, the pupil opens wider allowing in more UV light than would happen normally and thus reduces the eyes' natural protection. Sunglasses sold under BS 2724 have a 'shade number'. Shade numbers relate to the amount of UV allowed through. The higher the number, the better the protection.

Does the colour of the lens make a difference?

Brown and grey are the most popular colours and green is one of the most effective. However, it is the 'shade number' that counts when choosing sunglasses for eye protection.

Safety? For safety choose plastic, toughened glass or laminated glass lenses. Oakley Sunglasses have shatter proof lenses and offer amazing protection for your eyes:

Which sunglasses are best for driving?

The Highway Code states that tinted glasses should not be worn at night or in poor visibility. Sunglasses should not be used at night to stop headlamp glare. They should also be removed if driving from bright sun into a tunnel. Don't pick a very dark tint. A medium density is normally sufficient and it is safer as it transmits more light.

Maui Jim produce a High Transition (HT) range that are perfect for low light conditions:


Graduated tints
These are tinted darker at the top than at the bottom and give useful protection from bright overhead light, leaving a lighter area for map reading or seeing the dashboard.

Photochromic lenses
These lenses darken on exposure to sunlight and should react efficiently in changing light conditions. They should not leave much tint present when the lens is not exposed to the sun.
Polarising lensesThese lenses reduce reflections from wet or polished road surfaces, but they reveal the stress patterns in the older types of toughened windscreens, which can be hazardous.

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