Sunday 15 February 2009

Sunglasses Help Hayfever Sufferers

Every year 15% of the UK population suffer from hayfever. Itchy eyes and noses, constant sneezing and difficulty in breathing are the most common symptoms. The effects are usually worsened in urban areas where dust and car pollution add to the problem. Contact lens wearers, suffering from irritated eyes, will benefit from following these guidelines.

  • DO try to avoid wearing contact lenses in hot, dry or dusty environments. If there is no choice, try to wear sunglasses as well, which will help protect your lenses and eyes from dust and pollen.
  • DO try to avoid wearing your contact lenses when gardening or mowing the lawn, as dust and grass pollen will get into your eyes. Do wear sunglasses, the lenses help protect your eyes.
  • DO wear your sunglasses on days when the pollen count is particularly high, especially if you live in an urban area.

  • DON’T sunbathe in your contact lenses and remember not to get suntan lotion on them. Sunglasses are a must better option.
  • DON’T ever take your lenses out and clean them in your mouth to try to wash off any pollen or dust.
    DON’T continue to wear your lenses if your eyes become very sore and red. If in doubt, take them out and contact your eyecare practitioner.

Huge Range of Quality Sunglasses

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