Saturday 5 September 2009

M-Frame In Afghanistan

M-Frame In Afghanistan

Late September 2008.

While serving as the gunner in his unit’s Humvee, SSG Michael Downing was wounded. Hit by an IED, Downing was thrown approximately 40 feet from his truck.
As the pictures show, his injuries were extensive. Thankfully, one thing was protected to the highest degree.
“I was covered with engine oil and other fluids – not to mention debris from the explosion. My face and forehead were burnt, but not my eyes. I believe this was due to the glasses I was wearing.”
SSG Downing thinks they were M-FRAME A, but he can’t be positive. We don’t really care – serving the needs of our troops isn’t something that’s relegated to any one pair of our sunglasses.
“Thank you for making such a quality product that can stand up to modern day warfare.”
We can’t thank SSG Downing – and all his teammates – enough.

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